Location is Everything! Check out DORMUS strategic location and how near your college is to DORMUS!

DORMUS Manila Location

Excellent Location! Door-to-door distance of DORMUS to various colleges in UST. (m = meters)

A.Fine Arts/Architecture: 230 m
B.Engineering: 367 m
C.Accountancy: 396 m
D.Science/Pharmacy/Law: 435 m
E.Education/Tourism: 457 m
F.Arts and Letters/Commerce: 546 m
G.Graduate School: 574 m
H.Medicine/Nursing/CRS: 617 m
I.UST High School: 626 m

What’s more, most of the walking is within the safe, comfortable and visually appealing environment of the UST Campus.  Espana Boulevard, on the other hand is well-lighted, busy and relatively safe.

Location is everything if you’re looking for a dorm! Your safety, security and comfort depend on it! Check out DORMUS strategic location and how near your college is to DORMUS!